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1: CodeCommit Details

·1 min

Basic actions:

  • Create repo:
$ aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name rad-repo-name
  • View a repo: get-repository
  • List repos: list-repositories
  • Delete repo(s)
$ aws codecommit delete-repository --repository-name rad-repo-name

Commands are pretty literal!

Data Security on CC:

  • Data is encrypted at rest (managed) AND in transit (SSH, HTTPS)
  • CodeCommit uses KMS to manage keys.
  • No scale/availability-related security holes; it’s managed
  • “CodeCommit Power User” role gives full access, minus create/delete repos
  • Maybe not everyone should have permission to push to main..!


You can use SSH or HTTP to interact with git repos on CodeCommit.

To use SSH, you have to tweak “SSH public keys for AWS CodeCommit” in IAM.

  • Generate an SSH key pair on the dev box.
  • Upload the SSH public key to IAM (codeCommit section for your user).
  • Grab the new “SSH Key ID” from IAM - that’s your “User” for SSH.
  • Edit your ssh config file ("~/.ssh/config" on mac) to contain something like this:
Host git-codecommit.*
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa (or other private key loc)

Misc. Git Fundamentals:

If you didn’t already know, branches are good for:

  • Building new features
  • Fixing bugs
  • Separating work
  • Without disrupting the main branch

More on common git workflows on Atlassian’s website.