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4: Revision and Deployment

·1 min

What’s a “revision” again?

  • Deployable content, probably in S3
  • Must be .zip or .tar or .jar or somesuch

What’s the codedeploy command to bundle a revision?

  • aws codedeploy push
  • Combines creating an application revision and uploading the revision files to an Amazon S3 bucket

How to e.g. do custom verification actions?

How do you know when ready to deploy?

  • Application is bundled
    • i.e. bundled a revision; something to deploy
  • Deployment group exists
    • One instance? Auto-scaling? Lambda?
  • Deployment configuration is ready
    • appspec.yml
    • (Actually optional)

Is a deployment config mandatory?

  • No! It’s optional
  • Useful tho to control rate of deploy