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8: DevOps Conversations

·1 min


Regarding CodeBuild, could I include an AppSpec file as part of the source code?

  • AppSpec is for CodeDeploy.
  • BuildSpec file can be included with src.

Between buildspec and appspec files, which has lifecycle hooks?

  • AppSpec.

…and how are they used?

  • Run scripts during diff stages of deploy

With CodeDeploy, what deployment targets can we use?

  • Ec2
  • Lambda
  • EC2
  • On-prem servers

For these targets, are the hooks the same in the AppSpec?

  • No
  • Specific types of hooks per deployment type
  • Ec2 has many hooks
  • ECS has some hooks
  • Lambda has few hooks

Name a few tools: One for Source, build, deploy

  • GitHub for src
  • Jenkins for build/deploy